Saturday, September 21, 2024


Delays in investment projects in Anbar due to security – source

ANBAR / Delays in some investment projects in Anbar are due to security concerns in the province, said Mizhir Hasoon al-Mullah, head of  Anbar‘s Investment Commission. “We are busy with security issues created by Anbar‘s Operations Command,” al-Mullah told news agency on Saturday. He described acts carried out by the command as “bigger than security violations.” “We hope that the Iraqi Government will introduce quick solutions to these issues,” al-Mullah noted. He referred to arrest operations conducted Anbar‘s Operations Command which targeted figures that battled al-Qaeda, in addition to attempts to disarm tribes in the province. Ramadi, the capital city of Anbar province, lies 110 km west of Baghdad. MH (P)/SR 1