Friday, September 20, 2024


Justice ministry releases 198 inmates from jails in Baghdad, provinces

BAGHDAD / The Iraqi justice ministry’s reformatory department released on Thursday 198 prisoners from its jails in Baghdad and other provinces after they were acquitted by competent Iraqi courts, a ministry official source said. “The department released 146 prisoners from Baghdad prison complex in al-Tasfirat, 41 from the Basra, Thi-Qar and Missan prisons, four from Diala, two from Sousa in Sulaimaniya and five from Babel,” the source told news agency. “The prisoners were released for lack of sufficient evidence to implicate them,” he added. The reformatory has 31 prisons in Baghdad and other provinces, including prisons in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. Of those prisons, three are for women in the provinces of Baghdad, Thi-Qar and al-Muthanna. AmR (P) 2