Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Diala police arrest 25 wanted persons, kill gunman

DIALA / IraqiNews.com: The Diala police on Thursday arrested 25 wanted persons including an “amir” or leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), killed a gunman from the armed group, defused 14 improvised explosive devices and seized half a ton of a highly explosive material separately, according to a senior security official. “A police force captured 24 wanted men, including an amir of the AQI, in al-Adhim, al-Khalis district, (15 km) north of Baaquba,” said Diala Police Chief Abdulhussein al-Shimari in statements to IraqiNews.com news agency. “Bomb squad personnel defused 14 IEDs and seized half a ton of ammonium nitrates, used in home-making IEDs, on the main street in al-Adhim,” he added. Shimari also said that the police, in a separate incident, shot dead an AQI member while attempting to attack a checkpoint in the area of al-Kabba, Baaquba. Diala was one of the 10 provinces that came under a wave of bloody acts of violence on Wednesday. The province has been rocked by two car bombs in the district of al-Muqdadiya, (45 km) southwest of Baaquba, the detonation of five houses in Buhrez district, (5 km) south of Baaquba, and six IED blasts in Baladruz, (45 km) southwest of Baaquba. The attacks left 42 persons killed or wounded, including policemen and an employee of the Iraqi Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC). Baaquba, the capital city of the unrest-ridden province of Diala, lies 57 km northwest of Baghdad. AmR (S) 2