Saturday, September 21, 2024


Sale of children’s fireworks banned in Kut, south Iraq:

WASSIT / – The Municipal Council of southern Iraq‘s Kut city, the capital of Wassit Province, has decided on Wednesday to ban the sale and dealing with children fireworks in the city’s markets during the Eid al-Fitr Holidays, taking place from Thursday until next Tuesday, according to the Council’s Chairman. “The Council has decided today to ban the selling and dealing with children fireworks in the local markets of Kut city,” Nassar Karim said, adding that the city’s operations chamber had formed security committees, in coordination with the Municipality Council, to carry out inspections in markets to confiscate fireworks and sue shop-keepers, who sell them. He said the decision was taken as result to the spread of fireworks on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, which could cause damage and hurt children. Kut, the capital of Wassit Province, is 180 kms to the south of Baghdad. SKH (P)/SR 3