Monday, September 23, 2024


3 killed in attempt to rescue child in Shaqlawa

ARBIL / Three people were killed while trying to rescue a child who fell into a water well in a village near the district of Shaqlawa, northeastern Arbil city, according to a local civil defense chief. “Two people were killed after they tried to save a 10-year-old child who had fallen into a water well in the village of Tawtmi, (90 km) eastern Shaqlawa,” Zarrar Ahmed told news agency. Shaqlawa, 51 km northeastern Arbil, is one of Iraq’s famous summer resorts. “A civil defense team, however, managed to save another person who tried to rescue the three out of the 10-meter-deep well that feeds the village with water,” he added. Arbil, the capital city of the semi-autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan region, lies 360 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P) 2