Saturday, September 21, 2024


Falluja announces three-day mourning for joint operation victims

ANBAR / The Falluja local council announced on Wednesday a three-day mourning for the victims of the joint security operations by Iraqi and U.S. forces in the city. “The Falluja council held on Wednesday (Sept. 15) a meetings with the Falluja mayor and Anbar police chief as well as a number of chieftains, during which the council announced a three-day mourning for the victims of the joint operation that took place in the city yesterday,” Ahmad al-Duleimi, a member of the council, told news agency. “The meeting demanded an official apology from the federal government to the victims’ families and to start an investigation into the incident,” he added. A police source had said earlier that seven civilians, including a woman and two children, were killed and four others, including a 85-year-old woman, were wounded during a raid by a U.S.-Iraqi forces coming from Baghdad late Tuesday (Sept. 14) in al-Jubeil region, southern Falluja. Falluja, Anbar province, is 45 km west of Baghdad, while Ramadi, the capital of Anbar, lies 110 km west of the Iraqi capital. SH (P) 1