Saturday, September 21, 2024


Detainee involved in Jibail incident released in Falluja

ANBAR / One of the detainees involved in the al-Jibail incident has been released, and was admitted to the Falluja city’s hospital. “The detainee is 32-year old, and was released following an order from the prime minister,” a member of the Falluj City Council told news agency on Thursday. He explained that the detainee is now in a stable health condition. “The last detainee in this incident will be released in hours,” the source added. On Sept. 15, 2010, seven civilians, including a woman and two children, were killed and four others, including an 85 year old woman, were wounded when an Iraqi-U.S. force coming from Baghdad raided an area south of Falluja city. The raid operation took place late at night in the al-Jibail area, south of Falluja, without any coordination with security forces in the Anbar province. A lieutenant colonel of the former Iraqi army was among the seven dead victims. The force took away four of the dead bodies. The force also destroyed a number of civilian vehicles during the operation. Falluja, the biggest city of the Anbar province, lies 45 km west of Baghdad. MH (S)/SR 1