Saturday, September 21, 2024


UNESCO launches initiative to alleviate water shortages in Iraq

BAGHDAD / The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched on Sunday a scientific survey of Iraq’s groundwater in an effort to improve government capacity to address water scarcity in the country. Iraq is currently facing severe water shortages across most parts of the country, with over 7.6 million Iraqis lacking access to safe drinking water, and an agriculture sector suffering from years of drought. Absent until now, this complete picture of groundwater resources in the country will provide national and local authorities the tools to identify accurately and manage sustainably this precious resource. Incorporating the priorities put forward by the Government of Iraq for the water sector, the program will be undertaken in two phases. The first phase, funded by the European Union (EU) through the auspices of the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) Iraq Trust Fund, establishes an interactive database that uses Iraq’s existing hydro-geological data with a team of government experts trained to manage the database. Data and analysis gathered in Phase I will be integrated into a national survey of Iraq’s hydro-geological resources. Phase II, planned for 2011, will identify both aquifers down to 3,000 meters below the surface, study soil composition and aquifer replenishment, and prioritize areas for agricultural development. Upon completion of the initiative, the Government of Iraq will have a wealth of new data about the status of groundwater in the country, and will be able to move quickly to address water shortages in worst affected areas. The project will also improve planning of new agriculture projects and enable sustainable management of Iraq’s underground aquifers. Additionally, the program will allow Iraqi water engineers across the country to share information on groundwater resources with each other quickly and efficiently. “This project highlights the important role science plays in the development and reconstruction of Iraq. This program will utilize the latest surveying technologies and scientific processes to strengthen Iraq’s understanding and management of its water resources,” stated Mohamed Djelid, Director of UNESCO Iraq. “Water management is high up on our agenda. The launch of this project reflects the mutual engagement of UNESCO and the European Union to support the development of Iraq. In 2011 we’ll continue to promote sustainable water management practices in Iraq.” said Jobst Von Kirchmann, Head of Development Cooperation, European Union. AmR (R) 34