Sunday, September 22, 2024


Iraq filled with opportunities – al-Hashemi

BAGHDAD / Iraq‘s Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi said on Wednesday that Iraq is filled with opportunities and guarantees to investors, according to a statement of his office. This came during his participating in the 14th International Business Forum in Istanbul. “The delay in forming the government affected taking several important economic and financial decisions,” the statement quoted al-Hashemi as saying. “We need a strong national government able to develop the economic and social life,” he added. “We need everything in Iraq, without naming them I could easily say that opportunities are there, ready for Turkish businessmen across all sectors,” al-Hashemi said during a press conference. “Our banking system works through U.S. banks and I think Iraq needs the expertise and know-how of Turkey to create an efficient banking system,” he said. “Turkey and Iraq have common goals in the region. Through cooperation, the potential of the region could serve the benefits of both nations,” al-Hashemi said. SH (S) 2