Friday, September 20, 2024


Hakim reviews with Egypt’s Mubarak political developments in Iraq

BAGHDAD / Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council Leader Ammar al-Hakim on Tuesday reviewed with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak recent political developments pertaining to the formation of a new Iraqi government, according to an SIIC statement. “Hakim met Mubarak in Cairo, where they discussed fraternal ties binding Iraq and Egypt and means to further them in all fields as well as political developments concerning the formation of an Iraqi government and relevant consultations among the political powers there,” read the release as published on the official site of the SIIC. “Hakim is also scheduled to meet Tuesday (Oct. 12) with Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa to discuss political activities in Iraq and ways to invite Arab countries to have strong presence in Iraq, particularly at the economic level,” it added. The Shiite leader will also review the SIIC’s position regarding the status quo in the war-torn country. Hakim had arrived in Cairo on Monday. AmR (P)/SR 1