Saturday, September 28, 2024


16 donums devoted for 1st sports playground in Talafar

NINEWA / A space of 16 donums was dedicated to build the first sports playground in the district of Talafar, according to the mayor on Thursday. “The Talafar municipal department offered 16 donums of lands in the area of B’ir al-Tayr, in the northern part of the district (60 km) northwest of Mosul city, to build a sports playground, the first of its kind there,” Muhammad Hussein Zayn al-Abideen told news agency. One donum equals 2,500 square meters. “The municipal council in the district had declined to have the playground stand over eight donums, a space that was not enough to set up the sports facility,” he added. Several sports playgrounds in Talafar had come under several suicide attacks, the last of which was on April 15, 2010 when an attack with a car bomb and two explosive belts in al-Kifah neighborhood, northwestern Talafar, left eight killed and more than 20 others wounded. Mosul, the capital city of the volatile multi-ethnic province of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P) 2