Monday, September 23, 2024


Cultural Festival in Abil early next month

BAGHDAD / A Festival for Cultural Houses in Arbil is planned to be held early November next, the assistant director-general of Cultural Relations Dept. at the Ministry of Cluture, Mudaffar Al-Ruae said on Thursday. “The Cultural Relations Dept. has completed its preparations to set up the annual festival in Arbil from Nov. 7th to 10th,” he said. He added that the festival “aims at stretching cultural bridges among the people of Iraq and to help Kurdistan people get acquainted with the cultures of southern and central Iraq.” The “festival will also exhibit technical and cultural shows, to comprise theatrical shows, painting and photo exhibitions, as well as poetry readings and shows by the Popular Arts Team, all to be shown in Arbil‘s theaters and halls,” he noted. SKH (P)/SR 1