Friday, September 20, 2024


MRFC: IEDs killed 231, wounded 601 others in 2010

BAGHDAD / Iraq’s Monitor of Constitutional Freedom and Bill of Rights (MRFC) revealed on Sunday that 231 were killed while 601 others wounded all over Iraq due to the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in 2010. “Baghdad was the most violent Iraqi province, where 157 Iraqis were killed and 417 others wounded, mostly high-ranking government officials, politicians and tribal and media figures,” according to a statement by the MRFC as received by news agency. Ninewa came second with 16 deaths and 82 wounded, al-Anbar with 23 dead and 27 wounded, Salah al-Din with 12 dead and 15 wounded and Babel with only two deaths. There were no victims of killed by IEDs in the provinces of Karbala, Najaf, Basra, al-Muthanna, Thi-Qar, Wassit and the three provinces of the semi-autonomous Iraq Kurdistan region – Arbil, Sulaimaniya and Duhuk. The MRFC called on the Iraqi government and all security, intelligence, investigative and research institutions to work harder and detect the motives and reasons of such a dangerous phenomenon that claims the lives of many innocent people. The Baghdad Operations Command (BOC) had urged citizens last month to be vigilant and thoroughly examine their vehicles prior to boarding them. AmR (S) 2