Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Decisive meeting between National Alliance – Kurdistan Alliance

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: A decisive meeting is scheduled to take place between the National Alliance and the Kurdistan Alliance’s delegation in Baghdad on Wednesday, a National Alliance member, Khalid al-Assadi, said on Tuesday. Assadi said the decisive meeting between both alliances would be held in the Iraqi capital on Wednesday to “complete the talks carried out between them about the Kurdish demands.” In addition, to complete “the dossier of forming the new government and announce a unified position by both coalitions towards the demands presented in the Kurdish document.” The Kurdish document includes two types of demands, according to a member of parliament from the Kurdistan Alliance, Sami Shorish. Shorish told IraqiNews.com news agency that the first part of the demands “can’t be negotiated, such as the implementation of Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution. The second part includes ‘the moving articles,’ that can be negotiated.” “There had been reservations about some of the Kurdish demands, including some which we consider as non-constitutional points, for which we shall propose some amendments,” Assadi said. He pointed out that “the course of negotiations with the Kurdistan Alliance represents a leading point by the National Alliance, and we consider that the success in the course of the negotiations with other blocs will be based on an agreement with the Kurds.” Assadi also said that his “National Alliance had been carrying out negotiations with the Iraqi Central Alliance and other political parties and forces in order to form a government of partnership that includes all. The political arena is currently witnessing continued differences among the main blocs that won Iraq’s March 7th nationwide elections, following the close results scored by them and their competition to win the post of prime minister and form the next government. This is particularly evident between the two main blocs that won the largest number of seats in the new parliament, Al-Iraqiya bloc, led by former Prime Minister, Iyad Allawi, and the State of Law bloc, led by Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki. SKH/SR 2