Sunday, September 22, 2024


Another Anbar demonstration in its Qaim city, against Akkas Gas Field exports

ANBAR / The city of Qaim, in west Iraq’s Anbar Province, has witnessed a peaceful demonstration, similar to that which took place in Falluja city early in the day, accompanied by serious security measures, to express support for Anbar Council‘s decision to reject the export of gas from Akkas Gas Field, unless it would be utilized inside the Province. The demonstration had started early in the day in different streets of the city, where demonstrators carried pamphlets expressing support for the Province’s Council to “reject the export of gas from Akkas Gas Field, unless it was manufactured locally, to help citizens make use of the fortunes of their Province.” Anbar Council had decided on October 10th ultimo to reject the decision to exort Akkas Field’s gas, estimated to reach about 2.1 trillion (t) cubic feet, unless it would be utilized inside the Province, according to the Coucil’s decision. A similar demonstration took to the streets of Anbar’s Falluja city early in theday, where hundreds of citizens and representatives of the social community, as well as leading leaders of the city, accompanied by serious security mesures to protect the demonstrations. Al-Qaim city is 289 kms to the west of Ramadi, the capital of Anbar Provice, which is 110 kms to the west of Baghdad. The above demonstrations are taking place whilst Iraq’s Oil Minister, Hussein al-Shahristani had launched the Third Licenses Phase for Gas Fields, including Akkas Gas Field in Anbar Province, early on Wednesday. SKH/SR 2