Friday, September 20, 2024


Kazakhstan’s Cogas – Monai gain investment of Anbar’s Akkas Gas Field

BAGHDAD / Iraq‘s Oil Minister, Hussein al-Shahristani has announced on Wednesday that Khazakh Kogas and Monai Companies have gained the contract for investment of western Iraq Anbar Province’s Akkaz Gas Field. A consortium representing Cogas and Monai Gas of Kazakhistan has won the investment contract for Akkaz Gas Field, a promising gas field, close to Iraq‘s borders with Syria, after presenting a price of 5.5 dollars for each barrel of gas, with an average production of 400 million cubic feet daily for a period of 13 years,” the Ministers said in a news conference, attended by at the end of today’s session of the Third Licenses Session He said that Cogas and Monai Gas had competed with French Total and TPAO, but the offer of the first two compaies had been close to the decision taken by the Ministry’s specialized committes, hence they won the investment contract.. .Minister Sharistani had announced early on Wednesday the opening of the Third Licenses Session for Gas Fields, in which competative offers were announced by different competative international companies The Oil Ministry’s Media Advisor, Assem Jihad, had announced early in the day that three gas fields: Akkas in Anbar Province, possessing a good gas reserve, Al-Mansouriya in Diyala Province, with a smaller capacity and Siba Field in Basra, had been under competition. Noteworthy is that Anbar Council had decided on Oct. 10th ultimo to reject the export of gas from the said field, estimated to reach 2.1 trillion (t) cubic feet, unless it would be utillized inside the Province, according to the Council Chairman. SKH 1