Friday, September 20, 2024


Oil Minister announces Third Phase for Three Oil Fields

BAGHDAD / Iraq’s Oil Minister, Hussein al-Shahristani has announced his country’s Third Licenses Phase for Oil Fields on Wednesday and the first session has witnessed the receipt and opening of competitive offers by the competent intentional oil companies. The Information Advisor of the Iraqi Oil Ministry had announced earlier that the three Iraqi oil fields were Akkash in Anbar Province, expected to posses a new gas storage, al-Mansouriya in Diyala, a smaller field and Siba in Basra Province. Noteworthy is that west Iraq Anbar’s Council had issued a statement on 12/10/2010 announcing its refusal to export Akkaz field’s gas, comprising a reserve reaching about 2 billions (b) and 100 million cubic feet of gas, unless it would be utilized inside the Province. SKH/SR 1