Tuesday, September 24, 2024


IED targets Daughters of Iraq official in Diala

DIALA / IraqiNews.com: An improvised explosive device went off near the vehicle of the Daughters of Iraq leader in the province of Diala, leaving her sister wounded on Friday, according to an official security source. “An IED went off near the vehicle of Wijdan Adel, the leader of the Daughters of Iraq, in the area of al-Manjara, central Baaquba. She was not on the vehicle then but her sister sustained medium wounds,” the source, who asked not to be named for security reasons, told IraqiNews.com news agency. The Daughters of Iraq is an all-women formation set up by the central government in hot spots, including Diala, in a bid to curb attacks by female suicide bombers. “The explosion left severe damage to the vehicle,” the source added. Baaquba, the capital city of the volatile province of Diala, lies 57 km northeast of Baghdad. AmR (P) 9