Monday, September 23, 2024


Conflicting reports about attendance of Arbil meeting by different political groups

BAGHDAD / Member of the Iraqi National Coalition and Secretary General of Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amery, has said on Tuesday that a preliminary meeting is exepcted to be held by a number of political blocs in Baghdad, before heading to Erbil to discuss the initiative of Kurdisgan Region’s President Massoud Barzani, whilst a leader in the Shiite Sadr Trend said that the National Coalition had informed the Kurdistan Coalition necessity that the meeting must be held in Baghdad. North Iraq’s Kurdistan Region’s President, Massoud Barzani, had presented, during a meeting of the Kurdistan Coalition in Erbil on 16/9/2010, had presented his initiative to settle the crisis of formng the new Iraqi government, suggesting, according to media sources, to divide the authorities and to set up the bases for national compromise, along with the participation of all blocs that won Iraq’s March 7th nationwide elections, calling for the formation of a small committee by the winning blocs to discuss his initiative to get out of the said crisis. Ameri, on his part, said that the National Coalition had discussed in a meeting on Monday, the necessity to hold a preliminary meeting by the political blocs before they leave for Erbil. The Iraqi political arena is witnessing deep differences since the announcement of the nationwide elections, that reached their climax between the two main blocs that won the elections, al-Iraqiya bloc, led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi and the State of Law bloc, led by outgoing Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, with the first that got 91 seats and the latter that scored 89 seats in the new 325-seat paparliament to form the new government. SKH 2