Sunday, September 22, 2024


U.S. : “We have never ignored torture acts in Iraq

BAGHDAD / The United States has said on Tuesday it had never ignored or would ever ignore the torture acts that took place or are taking place in Iraq, in its reaction for a BBC report, accusing it with having ignored such torture acts, following the Wikileaks Report in this respect The BBC quoted the U.S. Chief of Military Staff, General George Kasey, as saying: “The United States had striven to prevent the Iraqi authorities from using torture,” denying information carried by the Wikileaks Report at “it Washington had been neglecting the said torture acts.” General Kasey, who had occupied the post of the Commander of U.S. Forces in Iraq from 2004 to 2007, said: “there had been press reports that we had ignored harming Iraqi prisoners, and this is not delicate,” adding: “Our police had always been that whenever the American soldiers noticed bad treatment of prisoners, they would raise a report about that to the American and the Iraqi Commands.”.BBC”. The Wikeleaks Electronic position had published detailed reports, that were leaked about the war in Iraq from the U.S. Defense Department, pointing out that the U.S. troops had carried out violations against Iraqi citizens, as well as similar violations committed by Iraqi bodies related to torture acts against Iraqi prisoners. SKH 2