Friday, September 20, 2024


Leader in Iraqi National Coalition denies Shiite Badr Organization’s split from Coalition

BAGHDAD / Leading Member in the Iraqi National Coalition and Shiite Badr Movement, Qassim al-Aaraji, has denied media reports about a split has taken place by Badr’s Secretary-General Hadi al-Amiry from Iraq‘s Supreme Islamic Council (SIC) and his formation of a new movement, supporting outgoing Prime Minsiter, Nour al-Maliki. “Badr is part of ‘Shaid (Martry) of Mihrab’s Parliamentary Group, comprising SIC’s Leader, Ammar al-Hakim and Badr Movement, who are real decision-taking makers,” Amiry said. Badr Movement is one SIC’s formations, led by Ammar al-Hakim, that held  83 out of former Iraqi parliament’s 275 seats. The Iraqi political arena is witnessing deep differences since the announcement of Iraq‘s nationwide parliamentary elections that took place last March, which ended with al-Iraqiy bloc, led by former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki that won 91 out of the new parliament’s 325 seats and the State of Law bloc, led by outgoing Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki with 89 seats. The talks among the leading blocs to form the new government had reached an advanced stage with the beginning of the Round Table meetings, initiated by Kurdistan President Massoud Barzani, which they hope would make viewpoints closer to agree on the distribution of the main State and government positions. SKH 1