Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq has no fears from air trips coming from Yemen, Transport Minister says

BAGHDAD / Iraqi News: Iraq‘s Transport Minister, Amer Abdul-Jabbar, has said on Sunday that his Ministry had no fears from air trips from the Yemeni capital of Sana’a to Baghdad. The Iraqi Minister’s statement came in response of the Yemeni authorities confiscation of the Yemeni authorities of 26 bags on Saturday, to investigate their contents one day after a U.S. announcement of the discovery of two mail bags, sent from Yemen on their way towards a Jewish Synagogue in Chicago city. “We have no fears from the air trips coming from Sanaa, as the air trips had resumed last week,” the Mininister told Awat al-Iraq News Agency, while on board a Presidential Yacht in the Arab Gulf on its way from Greece to southern Iraq‘s Basra Port. He pointed out that a number of memos have been signed for the resumption of air trips from Oman early this month and from India last December.” U.S. President Barrak Obama had told a news conference two days ago in which he announced the report about the landing of an American aircraft coming from Sana in a U.S. airport, carrying explosives, whilst Britain suspended its trips from Sanaa, whilst German Interior Minister, Thomas di-Mazyr, said on Saturday night that his government had banned the entrance of any material shipped from yemen to Germany, whilst France took a similar decision. “We have no fears in this respect, and Sanaa Airport is working under normal conditions, whilst measures taken in Baghdad Airport are being carried out by an international company that runs such measures in 95 world airports and protects London’s Hithrew Airport, such measures that don’t differ from aircafts heading towards Iraq,” reiterating that Baghdad Airport had not witnessed such incidents till now. Meanwhile, Minister Abdul-Jabbar said: “We are inside the Presidential Yacht in the Arab Gulf and shall rach Basra Port later Sunday evening,” describing the restoration of the Yact as “a major achievement by an Iraqi cadre.” The Iraqi government had decided in February, 2008, to sell the yact of former President Saddam Hussein, parked in French Niece city, after the restoration of its property following prolonged judicial measures, when the Spokesman for the Iraqi Council of Ministers, Ali al-Dabbagh, announced a decision to sell the yacht. The yacht’s name, originally called “Saddam’s Qadisiya,” usually called “The Ocean’s Breeze,” was then called “The Basra Breeze,” after its receipt in Iraq in 1981, before it was sent to the Jedda Port in Saudi Arabia, in order to protect it during the Iraq-Iran War. The Yacht appeared in Niece in Automn, 2007, after being sold by a dealr from London for 23.5 million Euros, whilst its price in the world markets has reached 35 million dollars. The Yacht is 82 metres and is supplied with gold-plated water closets, along with a small theatre, a helicopter landing port, whilst it is supplied with a missile-launching system, together with a secret passage leading to a small submarine ready for the escape of its passengers when necessary. SKH 1