Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq’s National Alliance – Kurdistan Coalition refuse Saudi Monarch’s Initiative:

BAGHDAD / Iraq’s National Alliance and the Kurdistan Blocs Coalition have issued a joint statement on Sunday saying that the settlement of the government’s crisis must be solved locally, in their first official reaction towards the initiative of the Saudi Monarch, Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz. Both Coalitions have issued a joint statement, read by the leader of the Islamic al-Daawa Party, Hassan al-Suneid, expressing “appeciation for the Kingdom of Saudi Arbia, expressing their position that the Iraqi political leaderships have received the said Initiative with a spirit of appreciation and keenness by the Brothren.” But, both Coalitions have expressed “strong rejection of the initiative,” saying that “Iraqi leaders arre working within the initiative of Kurdistan Region’s President, Massoud Barzani, towards the formation of a government of parternship and national concorde, representing all trends of the Iraqi people.” The statement, which Sunaid said was issued by the National Alliance and the Kurdistan Blocs Coalition had reiterated “confidence of the representatives of the people have reached the final stages in their dialogues to form such government.” adding that the “Iraqi parliament would resume its session soon to elect the three leading State posts, according to the constitution.” “The Saudi initiative shall complicate things once again and postpone the process of forming the new Iraqi government,” Sunaid said, reiterating that “the Iraqi political leaders have began to reach a fruitful national consensus in its current meetings.” On his part, the leader in the Islamic Daawa Party and Member of the State of Law Coalition, Walid al-Hilly, told “Our position is clear towards the Saudi initiative, which was not to attend the meeting (proposed in the initiative).” The Saudi Monarch, King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz had called on Saturday night on Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and the leaders of the Iraqi political blocs to meeting in Riyadh after the forthcoming Eid al-Ad’ha, under the umbrella of the Arab League, to overcome the crisis of forming the new Iraqi government. The semi-official Saudi news Agency had pointed out that King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz had called on Iraqi President, Jalal Talabani and all Iraqi political parties which participated in Iraq’s March 7th nationwide elections and other political groups to attend his proposed Riyadh meeting after the end of the Haj (Polgrimage) occasion, under the auspices of the Arab league, in order to reach a settlement for the issue of the Iraqi government’s formation. The Saudi Monarch had reiterated that the current circumstances “necessitate the Iraqis to unify their ranks and overcome their wounds, as well as keeping away the ghost of differences.” King Abdullah also called for unity of the Iraqi political forces, their solidarity and cohesion that would reflect the power of Iraq, also calling for “unity, patience and wisdom, in order to build a powerful dam in the faceof those who try to create differences, whatever their motives might be, in order to restore the building of the Rafidain (Mesopotamia) Homeland, that had been and still is supported by its Arab brothren, forming a strong dam against differences and games that serve nobody but the enemies of the (Islamic) Nation.” SKH 2