Sunday, September 22, 2024


Two U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq last October, according to U.S. statement

BAGHDAD / The losses of the U.S. forces in Iraq during October last has reached two men killed, one of them due to a non-combat incident, considered the smallest number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq since its invasion by the U.S.-led forces in 2003, a U.S. military statement said on Monday. Announcing the said figure, the statement said that the death of the two U.S. soldiers had raised the total American soldiers killed in Iraq since March 2003 and till this date to 4,427, including 57 killed in 2010, among them 9 killed since the withdrawal of the U.S. combat troops from Iraq at the end of last August. A Pentagon statement had said that the U.S. soldier, David Jones, was killed in a non-combat incident in Baghdad on Oct. 24 last, whilst another soldier, called Dilan Raid, was also killed in a non-combat incident in Missan, southern Iraq, on Oct. 16th, adding that September last had witnessed the death of 7 American soldiers, among them 7 for non-combat reasons, whilst the total U.S. soldiers killed last August had reached 3, all in combat operations. It put the total American soldiers killed last July to 4, all said to have been killed for non-combat incident, along with 8 soldiers killed, last June, among them only two for combat operations. The Year 2003 had witnessed the killing of 486 U.S. soldiers, whilst this figure had risen to 849 in 2004, 846 in 2005, 822 in 2006, 904 in 2007, but the U.S. army casualties in Iraq had dropped largely to register 314 killed in 2008 and 149 in 2009. SKH 1