Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq’s Shiite Al-Fadeela Party expresses support for PM Maliki’s nomination for new premiership

BAGHDAD / The Chairman of the Shiite Al-Fadeela Party, Hashim al-Hashimy, has expressed support for the candidate of the Iraqi National Coalition, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, for a new four-year premiership period, in a joint news confernce with Maliki, held after a meeting between both sides on Monday, as part of the current efforts to form a new government. On his part, outgoing Prime Minister Maliki has reiterated “the continuation of partnership with Al-Fadeela Party,” pointing out that the negotiations to form the new government had reached their final stages, adding that the Iraqi Parliament would convene in few days to assign the new state leaders.” A statement by Maliki’s office, copy of which landed in News Agency, had pointed out that “Prime Minister Maliki, had discussed in his meeting a delegation representing al-Fadeela Islamic Party, led by its Secretary-General Hashim al-Hashimy, the recepnt developments of the political process and joint efforts to form the forthcoming government.” The statement quoted Maliki as saying in a news conference after the meeting that “it took place within the principle of partnership to bear responsibility for building a state, where the Iraqi human being enjoy, whatever his views might be,” adding that “the conversation had been fraternal and friendly, based on a strong and fertile platform, as we both agreed to follow a similar policy towards the position needed to form a strong front facing the current challenges.” “The political process is in need for an accomplishment to settle the problem we are now facing, as we have reached the final phase to form the new government, and we both agreed to bear responsibility to form the government and face the future phase that will concentrate on boosting security, developing investment and rehabilitation,” he said. Maliki, meahwile, has announced his Coalition’s apologising to respond for the Saudi King’s call for a meeting in Riyadh to settle the political crisis in Iraq, saying that his “National Coalition  had issued a joint statement with the Kurdistan Coalition, thanking the Saudi Monarch for his initiative, but seeing that dialogues have reached their last phse and the Iraqi leaders are close to settle the issue.” “The forthcoming few days shall witness the holding of a Parliament session, in response to the decision of the Federal Court, and we have expressed keenness and gratitudes for all those who support Iraq, because the Iraqi politicians have become close to settle the issue in Iraq and not in other capitals. That is why we have apologised to accept the said initiative, not because it was issued by Saudi Arabia, but we shall apologise to attend any such initiative issued by any other state, because we wish to settle our problems inside Iraq,” Maliki said. Al-Fadeela’s Secretary General on his part, expressed support for Maliki’s nomination for a second premiership term, expressing rejection of foreign interferences, saying: “We have reaffirmed our keenness to achieve the unity of the National Coalition and its candidate, Nouri al-Maliki; and we have agreed to march forward in a genuine partnership to achieve the mission of forming the new government.” Hashemy also expressed expectation that the formation of the new government has reached its final phases, thing that does not necessitate heading to the capitals of neighbouring states, saying: “we now have a candidate for the National Coalition, behind whom we allied to achieve this dossier in a quick and decisive means, expressing gratitude for such initiatives, that reflect keenness of those states for the Iraqi affairs.” SKH . 2