Saturday, September 21, 2024


Body found, 2 killed in accident separately in Mosul

NINEWA / A police force found the unidentified body of a man in his 30s south of Mosul while a man and a woman were killed in two separate road accidents west of the city on Thursday, according to a security source in Ninewa. “The body of a man in his 30s was found shot in the head and chest by policemen in al-Shoura district, (40 km) south of Mosul,” the source told news agency. Meanwhile, the source said, a woman was killed when the car she was boarding overturned in the district of al-Biaaj, (120 km) west of Mosul. “A man was also killed and his body charred in another road accident that caused his car ablaze on the Mosul-Talafar highway, (60 km) west of Mosul,” he added. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P) 1