Friday, September 20, 2024


Al-Hakim discusses with Chalabi acceleration of forming of govt.

BAGHDAD / Leader of Iraq’s Supreme Islamic Council, Ammar al-Hakim, has discussed with the Chairman of the Iraqi National Conference Party, Ahmed al-Chalabi, means for accelerating the formation of a new government, to comprise all parties, according to a statement by the Council on Monday. “Ammar al-Hakim has conferred with the Chairman of the Iraqi National Conference Pary, Ahmed al-Chalabi, in Baghdad on Sunday, and both sides have discussed different political issues, reiterating necessity to find solutions for the current political crisis and the acceleration of forming the new government, with the participation of all national parties,” the statement pointed out. The statement added that Chalabi had described for Hakim “the results of his recent visit to Arbil and his talks with the President of Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani.” It is hopeful that leaders of different Iraqi blocs would meet in Arbil today (Monday) to reach an agreement to distribute leading State posts and the formation of the forthcoming government, in response to a call by Kurdistan President, Massoud Barzani, who had launched an initiative to settle the current crisis on 16/9/2010, including the formation of an 8-12-member committee from representatives of political blocs to start talks to settle the suspended differences and the formation of a national-partnership government, as well as the issue of the three leading State presidencies. SKH/SR 2