Monday, September 23, 2024


“Arbil Meeting historic moment for Iraq’s development” – Barzani

ARBIL / The President of Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani, has said in the opening of Arbil’s Meeting of the Leaders of Iraq’s Political Blocs “is a historic moment of deep meaning and content, to participate in defining the trend for Iraq’s development.” “This is a historic meaning and content for us to meet together to participate in defining the trend of the country’s development and the cohesion of our efforts to raise it to the level of the Iraqi people’s ambitions,” Barzani said in his speech. He said that “a meeting on this level is a national achievement, if we take into consideration the sensitivity of the state passing on the democratic political process and its direction, as well as what we and our people is facing, along with the questions coming from abroad, expressing anxiety and loss of patience, as well as doubts, caused by the formation of the government.” “Baghdad dialogues, that took place with the participation of all of us and their positive results, have expressed our ability to overcome all obstacles and their settlement, as the past few days have proved the potential to mold understanding and to find solutions to settle our problems,” Barzani said. The Arbil meeting is held with the attendance of Iraq’s President Jalal Talabani, his two Vice-President, Adel Abdul-Mahdi and Tareq al-Hashimi, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, the Chairman of the National Alliance, Ammar al-Hakim, Representatives of al-Fadhila (Virtue) Party, the Free Bloc, the Iraqi Accordance Bloc and others. The meeting is also attended by leaders of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, among them the Party’s Assistant Secretary General, Kosrat Rasoul, leaders of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, among them its Vice-Chairman, Nichervan Barzani and Kurdistan Parliament’s Speaker, Kamal Kirkuki. Kurdistan Region’s President, Massoud Barzani had launched an initiative to settle the current political crisis on Sept. 16 2010, comprising the formation of an 8-12-member committee to represent the representatives of the political blocs, to start talks among them to settle the suspended differences, discus the issue of the formation of the formation of a government of national-partnership, as well as the settlement of the issue of the three leading State presidencies. SKH/SR 2