Monday, September 23, 2024


“Government must be formed urgently, away from sectarianism” – Allawi

ARBIL: Iraq‘s former Prime Minister and Leader of al-Iraqiya Bloc, Iyad Allawi, has called on Iraq‘s political leaders to accelerate the formation of a new government, “away from sectarianism and according to the election rights.” “We have to accelerate the formation of a government, provided it will be based on election rights and able to adjust the course of the political process, the building of the State institutions and to move Iraq to a new status, away from sectarianism and narrow-party trends,” Allawi said. He said that “the basic issues lie in defining the real meaning of the national-partnership, without any sectarian, racial and narrow-party basis, in order to achieve equivalence among Iraqis in rights and duties.” “We have to become real partners to protect the unity of this country, stemming from the principle of partnership, based on partnership in taking the political decision. We have to depend on the issue of authorities, to be distributed equally. There must be certain observation parties to watch the activity of the government, in order to boost the role of the Parliament,” Allawi said. “The time has come to march forward with with confident steps towards the national partnership,” adding “that the meeting must come out with positive results and to give everybody his right,” Allawi noted. The leaders of the political blocs have began their meetings on Monday noon, in Arbil to discuss the acceleration of the formation of the new government. SKH/SR 1