Saturday, September 21, 2024


13 rockets seized north of Kut

WASSIT / Thirteen rockets, including surface-to-air ones, were seized north of al-Kut, according to a security source in Wassit. “The Wassit Police Department’s 2nd contingent seized 13 rockets Saturday night in al-Aziziya town, (90 km) north of Kut,” Wassit’s police command’s media officer Lt. Hassan Awad told news agency. He added that “the rockets included nine Strelas and four surface-to-air ones. He said the rockets were found “in a deserted house, according to intelligence tip-offs by using explosives detectors”. He noted that the rockets were moved to the Kut police department for dismantling by bomb squad experts. The Wassit-based Quick Response Department (QRD) had seized Saturday a weapons and explosive charges cache inside a house of a wanted person in al-Suwayra town, 135 km north of Kut, and included 100 improvised explosive devices, four Strela rockets and other explosive material. Kut, the capital city of Wassit province, lies 180 km south of Baghdad. SKH (P)/AmR 38