Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Iraqiya MP’s guard dies of wounds from Mosul blast

NINEWA / IraqiNews.com: One of the guards of al-Iraqiya bloc legislator Mohammed Othman al-Khalidi died of wounds he sustained from a blast that targeted their motorcade in eastern Mosul earlier on Friday, a security source in Ninewa said. “One of Khalidi’s guards died of wounds from an improvised explosive device (IED) blast that targeted the motorcade of Khalidi in Mosul earlier today (Nov. 19),” the source told IraqiNews.com news agency. “The guard drew his last breath at the hospital and his body was removed to a morgue in Mosul, to be later taken to Diala province,” he added. Earlier, a security source in Ninewa said Khalidi, a member of parliament from Diala, escaped an attempt on his life when an IED went off near his motorcade in Mosul, wounding three of his bodyguards. “The incident took place at al-Nabi Younis area, eastern Mosul, wounding three of Khalidi’s bodyguards,” the source told IraqiNews.com. The security source said Khalidi was on a visit to Mosul to congratulate Osama al-Nejeifi over his new post as parliament speaker. Mosul, the capital city of the violence-stricken province of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. AmR (S) 1