Friday, September 20, 2024


Ninewa Governor demands investigation on attacks against al-Iraqiya MPs

NINEWA / The Governor of northern Iraq’s Ninewa Province has demanded investigation regarding recent attacks that pinpointed three of al-Iraqiya Coalition’s MPs in eastern Mosul last Friday, reiterating that their motorcade had been instructed not to use the military road before the attacks took place. “The attack took place when the MPs motorcade stopped at an Iraqi Army checkpoint in Nabi Younis area, which prevented the motorcade from passing through a military road,” Governor Athil al-Nujeify told, adding that an explosive charge blew off against the motorcade. Nujiefy said that “the motorcade’s members headed to check the incident with the military personnel about the incident, some of them flew away to an unknown destination,” expressing “anxiety for the reason that made the military elements, dressed in army uniform, leave his duty and weapon and escape, and demanding an investigation about the incident.” An explosive charge had blow u[ last Friday, pinpointed against a motorcade of three al-Iraqiya Members of Parliament, Othman Mohammed Al-Khalidi from Diyala Province and Wissal Salim and Mudrika Mohammed from the Tukomen Front, at Nabi Younis area, east of Mosul, wounding three of their guards, one of whom had passed away when he was driven to hospital. SKH/SR 1