Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Talibani informs PM Maliki of official assignment to form cabinet

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: Iraqi President Jalal Talibani has informed Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki that his official assignment to form the new cabinet would be issued very soon, explaining that Iraqis “had achieved an important goal in the political process.” President Talabani had informed Maliki with his decision in a meeting on Sunday night, according to a Presidential release, copy of which landed in IraqiNews.com news agency on Monday. “Iraqis have achieved an important goal in the political process, proving their great potential to overcome difficulties and reach a positive agreement among them, thing that is considered a victory for Iraq as whole,” the statement quoted Talabani as saying. He pointed out that “the letter of assigning the candidate of the largest parliamentary group to form the new government, Nouri al-Maliki, shall be issued officially soonest.” Maliki, on his part, said that Iraqis had overcome a difficult phase and they would complete their march successfully, for the good of all the people with their different components,  hoping for Talabani success in his new assignment as President for the forthcoming four years. The 2nd Deputy of the Parliament’s Speaker, Aref Teifur, had pointed out that President Talabani would assign Malilki officially to form the new government during the current week, reaffirming that Maliki would present the names of his candidate ministers to the Iraqi Parliament, one month after his official assignment by the President. Talabani had assigned Maliki to form the government on Nov. 11th ultimo, reassuring in a speech before the Parliament after his election for a new four-year presidency term that the formation of the new government by Maliki “is the only way to put an end for the current problems, considering Iraq‘s stability to be linked to the genuine national compromise.” SKH/SR 2