Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Basra airport comes under attack with 4 rockets

BASRA / The Basra airport came under attack with four Katyusha rockets on Friday but no casualties were reported, according to a security source in the province. “The airport was attacked with four Katyusha rockets today (Nov. 26) but the attacks left no casualties,” the source told news agency. In other security developments in the province, policemen seized 16 Katyushas and six launching pads inside a deserted house in Tariq neighborhood, al-Maaqal area, (8 km) northern Basra, and arrested six wanted persons during search raids all over the province. He did not give further details. The oil-rich port city of Basra, Iraq’s only outlet to waterways, lies 590 km south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (P) 3