Saturday, September 21, 2024


War remnants dump discovered in Kut:

WASSIT / Police in Kut discovered a war remnants dump in an agricultural area south of Kut, the center of Wassit Province, according to a Wassit police source on Saturday. “Wassit Police‘s 2nd Battalion forces have discovered a war remnants dump on an agricultural area in Dujeili township, some 25 kms to the south of Kut,” the police source said, pointing out that the dump comprised 600 57 mm mortar bullets, 270 mortar shells and more than 10,000 14-mm bullets. He said that the dump had been discovered based on intelligence information and using explosive-charges discovery devices, that were given to the headquarters of Kut police, to dismantle them. Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the south of Baghdad. SKH/SR 27