Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Council of Ministers to hold decisive meeting on General Census Tuesday

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: The Council of Ministers is to hold a decisive meeting on Tuesday to take a final decision on holding the General Census in Iraq on December 5th next, following an agreement to keep the “nationalism” of each citizen within the census document, a Planning Ministry media source said on Monday. “Planning Minister, Ali Baban, shall attend a meeting of the Council of Ministers tomorrow (Tuesday) to take a final decision regarding the implementation of the General Census on the 5th of December next, after the completion of all prerequisites related to the occasion,” the media source told IraqiNews.com news agency. “The census will take place on that decided date, according to preliminary information from the ministry,” the source added. “In compliance with the meeting, held on Nov. 22nd by the representatives of Kirkuk and Ninewa Provinces, along with Legislatures of the Kurdistan Alliance, al-Iraqiya Bloc, and other political blocs, to keep the expression of “Nationalism” on the census document, the General Census shall also cover Kurdistan Region’s Arbil, Sulaimaniya and Duhuk, through coordination with the Kurdistan Census Commission,” he said. “It has been decided to carry out the census in one day, after the measures taken by the High Census Commission to divide the areas, districts and streets, allocating 20 houses for each counting employee. Individuals who will carry out the count will visit the houses on the day prior to the census, to ensure the presence of the families,” he added. SKH/SR 1