Tuesday, September 24, 2024


“We overcame a phase that could have rocked Iraq” -Maliki

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: Iraq‘s Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, has said on Saturday that “the initiative of Kurdistan Region’s President, Massoud Barzani, had contributed to overcoming “a difficult phase that could have rocked Iraq.” “Through the political process, we have overcome a difficult phase that could have rocked Iraq,” Maliki said in a speech in the 13th conference of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), held in Arbil. “During the period of opposition against the former regime, the beloved Kurdistan and its honorable people have played an important role in the opposition, when it welcomed our Mujahids (fighters) and helped them to face tyranny,” Maliki added. “Brother Barzani had a role in confronting those difficulties, when he stood against anything that aimed to create division in our ranks. His lastest initiative has led to an agreement of the political blocs to form the government,” Maliki said. The KDP’s 13th conference was opened in Arbil on Saturday with the presence of 1,350 of its members and attendance of a large official and outstanding personalities. Maliki also called for “cooperation and cohesion, and movement under a united vision, towards an Iraq that believes in equivalence and patriotism, away from marginalization, discrimination and exclusion.” “As the Prime Minister, I call for support to present efficient candidates to form the government, in a manner that will achieve success for the bloc, party, nationality and sect that nominates the efficient personalities,” Maliki highlighted. “The (new) government shall see the light within its limited period. I call upon all blocs to consider their candidates as ‘ministers of the people and government, and not the party and nationality,” Maliki said. SKH/SR 32