Friday, September 20, 2024


UNAMI to help remove Iraq from UN Security Council’s 7th Article

BAGHDAD / The UN Mission for Iraq (UNAMI)’s Spokeswoman in Baghdad has stated on Wednesday that the mission would strive, through its last report presented to the Security Council, to be discussed in its meeting today, to help Iraq get out of UN Security Council‘s Article 7, which prevents Iraq the freedom to deal with its financial capitals. “UNAMI shall try to help Iraq come out from the 7th Article, through its recent report raised to the UN Security Council, scheduled for discussion today (Wednesday), after Iraq‘s major achievements in different spheres,” Radhia Ashouri told news agency. Ashouri pointed to the “positive atmospheres related to the revision of the sanctions imposed on Iraq, especially after it witnessed positive developments on the political sphere, along with the democratic transformations it had witnessed as well.” “Among the issues under discussion by the UN Security Council‘s current meeting, is the security situation in Iraq and the country’s needs for economic development,” she added Iraq had been covered by the UN Security Council‘s Resolution No. 678 of 1990, imposed after the Iraqi forces entered in Kuwait in August, 1990, followed by the Security Council‘s decision to use force to drive Iraq out of Kuwait, according to Article 7 from the UN Charter. SKH/SR 1