Sunday, September 29, 2024


Al-Iraqiya: “lifting of eradication, 1st step towards national reconciliation.”

BAGHDAD / Several members of al-Iraqiya Coalition has described the Parliament’s decision to lift “eradication” decisions against three of their Coalition members, as “the first step in the way of national reconciliation.” “The Parliament has managed to consecrate the initiative of Kurdistan President Massoud Barzani, through the lifting of the measures taken by the Questioning & Justice Commission against al-Iraqiya members,” Haider al-Mulla told a news conference by a number of al-Iraqiya legislatures on Saturday. Mulla pointed out that “al-Iraqiya shall cooperate with other blocs in order to adjust the law on Questioning & Justice, and to form a new commission for same.” The lifting of the eradication measures, that was passed by the Parliament early in the day, had covered Saleh al-Mutlaq, Dhafer al-Ani and Jamal al-Karbouli, but excluded Rassim al-Awadi, who refused to present a written commitment, announcing his innocense from Iraq‘s former ruling Baath Party, according to a National Coalition source. On his part, Legislature Falah al-Zeidan had stated “agreement among different blocs, confirming the legal dealing with the Questioning & Justice dossier and not to deal with it politically,” adding that “a new commission for questioning and justice would be formed within three months of forming the new government.” Legislature Ajil Hamidi al-Yawar said that the “measures of lifting the decisions of the Questioning & Justice Commission had followed the voting by 109 out of 170 Parliament members, for the interest of the decision.” “The leader in al-Iraqiya Coalition, Saleh al-Mutlaq, has become liable to occupy any position in the government,” Yawar said, expecting that Mutlaq might get the position of deputy prime minister or vice-president. A big dialogue had emerged among members of al-Iraqiya Coalition and members of other blocs regarding the lifting of the “eradication” masures imposed against several members of al-Iraqiya Coalition. As regards to the authorities of the draft-law on the National Council for Stragegic Policies, raised by al-Iraqiya Coalition, the Coallition had demanded the quick lifting of the eradication measures, whilst al-Irraqiya had also insisted that the Council be granted secutive and legislative authorities, along with the consultative authorties other blocs had suggested. SKH 1