Saturday, September 21, 2024


UNSC’s Iraq Resolutions “positive, but necessitate national unification, Analists: Dec.

 BAGHDAD / A number of political analysts have described the recent UN Security Council’s resolutions that lifted the majority of sanctions, imposed on Iraq after its invasion of Kuwait in 1990, as a “positive step, despite fact that it had been late,” calling Iraqi politicians and decision-makers to unify their positions, in order to put an end to other sanctions and complete the process of getting Iraq out of the UN 7th Article that imposed different sanctions against Iraq. The UN Security Council had issued its Resolutions 1956 and 1957 last Wednesday, abolishing sanctions that had been imposed on Iraq, related to mass-destruction weapons program, as well as Iraq‘s Development Fund to protect its oil revenues for six months only, despite the Iraqi government’s demand to extend it for one year. The UNSC had also issued its decision 1958, that closed the oil-for-food program, a resultion that scored 14 out of the Security Council’s 15 members, with one reservation by France. The Council had also highlighted the political process in Iraq and the formation of a national-partnership government that reflects the will of the Iraqi people. The Iraqi Polical Analyst, Ibrahim al-Sumeidae, told news agency that three UN Security Council resolutions, issued towards Iraq last Thursday, the first of which had been the ending of the oil-for-food program, saying that “this program had been actually cancelled since 2003; but it seems that the Iraqi diplomacy had been suffering from weakness and not-existance of a unified position by different Iraqi parties, thing that had delayed the issuance of a final resolution till now.” “The second resolution, related to the mass-destruction weapons, the lifting of sanctions and getting Iraq out of Article 7,” Sumeidae said: “Iraq had actually proved till 1990s, according to the reports of the UN inspectors in Iraq that the country did not possess mass-destruction weaopns, but long-range ballistic missiles, that were completely destroyed; so, I think that this resolution should have ended completely since 2003, and not at this late time.” As regards to the UNSC‘s third resolution, he said: “Unfortunately this resolution did not serve the interest of Iraq, that demanded the extension of Iraq‘s revenues till the end of June next year, thing that will enhance the epitite of several individuals and states, demanding unrealistic compmensations from Iraq, thing that would also expose the Iraqi economy for huge blackmails.” Sumeidae, meanwhile, has demanded the Iraqi political forces to “unify their positions as from this moment; and the government should prepare special advisors and defenders of its international relations,” pointing out that “the most important thing is that there exists a protection by the U.S. President for the Iraqi funds, as well as an international protection, that must be boosted in order to serve Iraq‘s development fund, till it stands on its feet.” On his part, the Iraqi Political Analist, Al-Nasser Duraid, has described the said resolutions as “representing a backward stop towards Iraq‘s sovereignty that had been undermined during the past over the past few years.” “The said resolutions consider Iraq‘s funds as one one of the basic platforms that had unermined Iraq‘s sovereignty over the past years,” Duraid said, expressing hope that “Iraq would gain the support of the international community, and would be able to safeguard its sovereignty and independence,” Duraid said. Meanwhile, the Political Analyst, Issam al-Feily, said that the said UNSC resolutions “were taken after serious efforts by the Iraqi diplomacy and the convincement of the international community about the legitimacy of the Iraqi government that reflected a positive image, being a clear call for the world states to participate in Iraq‘s reconstruction, especially through the exista