Sunday, September 22, 2024


Plans to cultivate 1m donums of wheat, barley in Wassit

WASSIT / A plan was hatched to cultivate more than a million donums of wheat and barley for the current winter season, according to an agriculture official in Wassit province on Sunday. “The province of Wassit has laid a plan to cultivate wheat and barley over an area of 1.26 million donums for the current winter season. The plan envisages the cultivation of 751,000 donums with wheat and 275,000 donum with barley after providing peasants with seeds and fertilizers,” Fa’iz al-Gharrawi, the Wassit Agricultural Department director, told news agency. One Iraqi donum equals 2500 square meters. “The department finalized the distribution of 8535 tons of compound and urea fertilizers over farmers of wheat,” he said. The Iraqi trade ministry had said that Wassit is in the forefront of provinces that witness abundance in marketing of wheat and barley, followed by Baghdad, Kirkuk, Sulaimaniya, Ninewa, Duhuk, Arbil and Salah al-Din. Wassit lies 180 km southeast of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (P) 104