Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Kurdistan Legislature warns to boycott its Parliament sessions in protest to insults:

ARBIL / IraqiNews.com: A North Iraq’s Kurdistan Parliament legislature has warned that her Alliance would boycott the Parliament’s sessions unless religious preachers and Imams, who said that had “insulted” them present an official apology to the Kurdish Legislatures, due to a public cause. “The insult and smear campaign, launched against the Kurdistan Coalition’s Legislatures by religious preachers and Imams has forced us to take a decision to boycott the Parliament’s sessions, till we receive an official apology by those men, who insulted us,” Gasha Dara told IraqiNews.com news agency on Monday. She said that “their (preachers and Imams) errounous explanation for the expression “gender,” had been the reason beyond the brutal campaign, launched against the Kurdistan Coalition’s Legislatures by preachers and Imams of mosques, after their explanation of a draft-law to legislate abortion and gay marriage, being an issue that stands counter to Islamic legal principles. SKH 28