Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq’s Yezidi Sect demands “active posts” in new Iraqi government:

DOHUK / Iraq‘s Yezidi Sect has demanded the Iraqi government to achieve “justice and to grant what they described as an “active ministry” for the Yezidis, “being their right, because they are considered an original component of Iraq, and as an equal right to the other posts, granted by the Iraqi government to the other components, and necessity that they occupy other outstanding posts, that cope with their census percentage, and not ‘the post of a minister with no ministry!’ “It is necessary that the Yezidis have an “active ministry” in the new cabinet, Nimir Kajju, a former Yezidi Minister in north Iraq‘s Kurdistan Region, told news agency, adding that “the new government must take this issue into serious consideration and does not grant the one cabinet post only; but there must be other Yezidi personalities in the official posts of the State, including undrsecretaries and director-generals in different official institutions as well.” Noteworthy is that the Yezidis have 7 parliament seats in the current 325-seat Iraqi Parliament, six of them within the Kurdistan Coalition and one seat, granted as part of the religious quota seats, whist their Legislature, Vian Dakhil, had refused her assignment to the Woman’s Ministry seat since the announcement of the new 41-seat cabinet last week. The Yezidis, acccording to their statements, exceed half a million, living in north Iraq‘s towns of Sinjar, Telkef, Shekhan, Bahshiqa,as well as north Irq’s Dohuk Province. KD (A) / SKH 285