Monday, September 23, 2024


Armed Group vows to attack U.S. Army if it fails to pull out of Iraq end of next year:

BAGHDAD / The underground “Kataeb Hizbullah (Hizbullah Brigades)” have issued a statement in Baghdad on Monday, threatening to launch attacks against the U.S. Army if it fails to withdraw from Iraq by the time defined at the end of next year.” “Kataeb Hizbullah has confirmed its resistance line that shall never stop against the occupation forces,” the statement, copy of which landed in news agency, calling what it termed as the “Mujideen” to “get prepared to enter a new phase of Jihad phases,” reiterating rejection of “any compromise or negotiations with the occupants, about the withdrawal schedule.” The underground armed group also said that the U.S. Army “had begun to talk about continuation of its presence in Iraq till next summer,” warning that its elements “would enter a new phase of Jihad (Islamic Struggle), that shall be more powerful and harsh.” Noteworthy is that the American combat troops had completed their withdrawal from Iraq at the end of last August, according to the Security Agreement, signed between Baghdad and Washington at the end of 2008, promising to withdraw the remaining U.S. forces, estimated at 50,000, before the end of next year. Kataeb Hizbullah had also demanded the “release of all prisoners, belonging to the resistance forces and putting an end to the offensives, led by the occupation forces against the houses of the Mujahedeen,” demanding “the Iraqi security officers and elements to take a neutral stand towards this confrontation.” The U.S. Administration had considered “Kataeb Hizbullah in Iraq,” that describes itself as “the Islamic Resistance,” as being included on its “List of Terrorist Groups,” and considering it as representing a “major threat,” carrying violence acts against the American forces and the Iraqi security forces. The said armed group had rejected the said charge, confirming that “its elements do not consider civilians, Iraqi Army or Police elements, as targets for its attacks.” MA (A) / SKH 7