Sunday, September 22, 2024


Erdogan says will be visiting Iraq to boost the economic cooperation

BAGHDAD / Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday that he would visit Iraq in the coming few months leading a high-profile delegation to boost economic and commercial ties. “Erdogan said on Monday that he would send the Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to Iraq very soon,” according to Turkey’s World Bulletin. Speaking at an awards ceremony of the Union of Turkish Contractors in Ankara’s Sheraton Hotel. Erdogan said that he would travel to Iraq with a large delegation following Davutoglu’s trip to that country. “There will be serious, new arrangements towards the south of Iraq. There are risks in Iraq but, then, an economy is a risk itself. Entrepreneurship involves risk and, if we take joint steps in Iraq, the future could be different,” Erdogan underlined. I will send our foreign minister to Iraq soon. Later on, I will personally visit Iraq with a large delegation, Erdogan also said. SH (P)/SR 1