Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Stun grenade blasts close to Arbil Church, causes no losses:

ARBIL / IraqiNews.com: A sound bomb blew up close to a Christian church west of north Iraq‘s Kurdistan capital of Arbil on Sunday night, but caused no losses, according to eyewitnesses on Monday. “The sound bomb blew off on Sunday night close to Marabella Church in northwest Arbil’s Ainkawa township,” the eyewtnesses told IraqiNews.com news agency, adding that it did not cause any losses, but gave no further details. Ainkawa township, with a Christian majority, has witnessed broad celebrations on the occasion of Christmas and the New Year, that took place exploiting the state of security and stability reigning on Kurdistan Region. Al-Qaeda organization had vowed to attack Christians during Christmas and the New Year, thing that renewed their fear of violence acts against them. Christians in most parts of Iraq have decided to celebrate the current Christmas and New Year occasion in religious prayers only, in respect to the victims of “My Lady of Salvation” Church in Baghdad, that was attacked by terrirsts on October 31 last, killing and wounding dozens of people, and creating a wave of local and world anxiety and fear towards the conditions of Christians in Iraq. KNM (A) / SKH  73