Sunday, September 22, 2024


Lowest number of U.S. fatalities in 2010

BAGHDAD / A total of 60 U.S. soldiers were killed in Iraq in 2010, the lowest number of American fatalities since the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003. The deaths have brought to 4,430 the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003, including 60 in 2010 and 150 in 2009. Thirty-eight soldiers were killed for non-combat related incidents. Twelve servicemen have been killed after the withdrawal of U.S. combat forces from Iraq on August 30. U.S. fatalities began to decrease since early 2009: sixteen soldiers were killed in January, 17 in February and nine in March. The death toll, however, grew in April to reach 19 and then to 25 in May, including five shot down by a fellow soldier in a shooting incident inside a camp near Baghdad International Airport. Some 486 U.S. soldiers were killed in 2003, 849 in 2004, 846 in 2005, 822 in 2006 and a record high of 904 in 2007. The toll went down dramatically in 2008 to reach 314. Still, November 2004, the month that saw fierce clashes between U.S. forces and gunmen in the restive city of al-Falluja, Diala province, is the month with the highest U.S. deaths: 137. SH (S) 5