Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Tight security measures in Arbil before New Year

ARBIL / IraqiNews.com: Security forces in Arbil have adopted tight security measures before the start of the New Year, according to a security source. “Security authorities have started a security operation throughout the province on the occasion of the New Year celebrations, including spreading checkpoints and tightening measures at the inlets, mainly at the Christian-majority Einkawa, northern Arbil,” the source told IraqiNews.com news agency. Baghdad had witnessed yesterday several attacks by explosive charges on five Christian houses, during which two were killed and 12 were wounded. Christians across Iraq have been living in fear since the assault on Our Lady of Salvation Church as its Catholic congregation was celebrating Sunday Mass. Sixty-eight people was killed. Church officials in Baghdad, as well as in the northern cities of Kirkuk and Mosul and the southern city of Basra, said they will not put up Christmas decorations or celebrate midnight Mass. They urged worshippers not to decorate their homes. Even an appearance by Santa Claus was called off. SH (P) 74