Sunday, September 22, 2024


Two mortar shells fall close to two military camps east of Falluja, west Iraq:

ANBAR / Two Iraqi military camps have become target for two mortar shells east of Falluja, the largest city in west Iraq‘s Anbar Province on Saturday, one of them felll on a police center east of the city, causing material damage only, a security source said. “A mortar shell fell on Saturday morning on a headquarter of an emergency battalion in Garma village east of Falluja city, whilst another mortar shell fell on a police center in Albu-Jassim area, east of the city too,” he added. He pointed out that the police had defined the position where the two shells were launched from, pointing out that the first attack had been the first of its kind over the last 7 months, an evidence that the terrorist groups have began to attack security bodies. Falluja, 60 kms to the west Ramadi, the center of Anbar Province, 110 kms to the west of Baghdad. AD (A) / SKH 78