Tuesday, September 24, 2024


$21m service project in Arbil

ARBIL / IraqiNews.com: A local company embarked on a service project of tunnel in eastern Arbil city at a cost exceeding $21 million, said Arbil Governor Nawzad Hadi on Saturday. “The 77 Group for General Contracting started works to build an underpass at the Rizkari hospital intersection in the direction of the Kuwaysanjaq district road in eastern Arbil. The project involves the opening of a 2400-meter-long road and the digging of an underpass,” Hadi told IraqiNews.com news agency. “The project, which will cost $21.864 million, appropriated from the ministry of municipalities in Arbil, is planned to be finalized in no more than 450 days,” he added. He said that the project aims to ease traffic congestion in the area and give Arbil a civilized look in an overall current urban facelift in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. Arbil, the capital city of the semi-autonomous Iraq Kurdistan Region, lies 360 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P)/SR 120